Dentures and bridges have been around for many years, helping patients rebuild their smile, making eating easier, and restoring lost confidence that accompanies tooth loss. However, they never truly feel as natural as they could be, nor do they have the longevity patients hope for. Thankfully, your dentist is very excited to inform patients of the many benefits dental implants in Jonesboro can offer!
Here are five benefits implants can provide for your smile and oral health!
Dental Implants Last the Longest
If you’re looking for the best long-term solution for tooth loss, dental implants are definitely the best option. Dentures can only last between 5 and 7 years before needing replacement, mainly due to the gums no longer fitting them properly. Dental bridges on average last only 10 to 15 years before they need to be replaced.
Implants have a success rate as high as 97 percent after a 10-year period and can last between 25 years and a lifetime thanks to their incredible durability.
Implants Restore Your Jawbone’s Functions
It’s worth mentioning that dentures and bridges are not designed to restore functions typically lost when teeth are missing. This is because they only rest on top of the gums and don’t stimulate the parts of the mouth needed to prevent bone resorption.
Since implants are designed to integrate with existing bone and gum tissue, your jawbone is constantly being stimulated, preventing it from shrinking. This helps you retain your jaw’s biting force and make chewing your favorite foods possible once again.
No Other Replacement Feels as Natural
Patients with dentures often complain that the foods they eat don’t feel the same. They also don’t enjoy how often their dentures become loose over time or the maintenance that accompanies them. Bridges slightly improve the feel of replacement teeth, but still can’t quite live up to the real thing.
Implants replace teeth from the crown all the way down to the root, making them feel indistinguishable from natural teeth.
The Most Cost-Effective Solution
Since dentures and bridges require regular replacement, you’re basically confirming that you’ll have future dental costs to maintain. While implants may have a high upfront cost, the long-term cost is always lower compared to the alternatives.
Improving More Than Just Your Smile
When teeth are missing, blood doesn’t flow to your facial tissue anymore. This causes the face to change shape, the cheeks to become hollow, and your face to prematurely age.
As mentioned previously, dental implants restore all your mouth’s functions. Included in this list is blood flow to the face, helping you look your actual age. This way, it won’t only be your smile that looks youthful, but your overall appearance as well.
Why settle for inferior replacement options when dental implants are available? Schedule a consultation with your dentist in Jonesboro today to learn more about the process!
About the Author
Dr. Sarah Yarnell earned her DDS degree from the University of Tennessee. Thanks to her expertise in restorative dentistry, you’re guaranteed to get an implant restoration that looks natural and blends in perfectly with your existing teeth. To learn more about her practice, contact her through her website.