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The Benefits of Dental Implants in Jonesboro, AR

September 15, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:21 pm

Living with one or more missing teeth presents daily challenges that most of us take for granted. Such as ordering whatever you’d like to eat at a restaurant, or talking and smiling freely in front of others. These things that most of us feel confident about doing every day become difficult and even embarrassing when you’re missing a tooth. The good news is there is hope, and Dr. Yarnell is here to discuss the benefits of dental implants in Jonesboro, AR.

Missing Teeth Impact Your Oral Health

Besides the daily challenges you face, did you know that a missing tooth is also affecting your oral health? Without a root, your bone begins to resorb, or deteriorate, which puts your remaining teeth at risk for more loss. Without a new tooth, your remaining teeth will shift into the open space and cause bite misalignment and an increased risk for gum disease, fractures, and other damage to your tooth. If you’re missing a tooth, it’s a good idea to replace it so you can avoid the downward spiral to more tooth loss.

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are truly the best replacement option that dentistry has to offer because they closely mimic your natural tooth by replacing both your root and your tooth. A titanium post is surgically placed into your bone, which will naturally integrate with your bone after the appropriate healing time has passed. This builds the foundation for your new tooth.

Your new tooth is a high quality porcelain crown that Dr. Yarnell custom designs to match your existing teeth. With your dental implant you’ll enjoy all the function you had with your natural tooth, which means that you’ll be able to eat, talk, smile, brush, and floss with ease once again. Dental implants are a very reliable treatment, boasting a 95% success rate, and they offer great longevity as with the right homecare and regular dental checkups they can potentially last a lifetime.

Dr. Yarnell has been providing high quality dentistry to families in Jonesboro for over 35 years. She’s been named a Fellow of the International Dental Implant Association because she’s completed extensive and advanced training in the field of implant dentistry. When you choose Woodsprings Family Dentistry for your implant treatment, you can rest assured that you’re in the hands of an expert.

Are you ready to reclaim your oral health and your life? Contact our office today to learn more about dental implants.

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